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Picture of the Month
by Abdelmannan Shamma

Abdelmannan Shamma was born in Homs in 1937. He obtained his Ph.D. in Fine Arts from the Academy of Soviet Arts in Moscow. In 1996, he was officially honored by the Ministry of Culture for his distinctive art giving. At present, he works as professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Damascus University. Shamma's style of expression is correlated to his personality, ideas, and convictions. He is committed to expressing the issues of good and evil, local environment, and Arabic identity.


Jaber’s Fundraising Event

The Syrian Canadian Society’s event to fundraise for Jaber, held on Valentine ’s Day, was a full success. There were 31 people who attended it and many more contributed to Jaber’s cause but were not able to attend.

Hisham Wattar generously contributed a donair dinner from his restaurant “Best Falafel” on Commercial Drive. Wesam Mouamar and Hisam Siris donated their time to entertain the guests with nice Arabic music and singing. Many people contributed to the organization of the event, especially Saad Jabbour, Amira Ghannoum, and Riad Boudjok.
“We collected a total of $3,610 so far for the cause, but we are still collecting from those who would like to contribute to his recovery,” says Bassam Al- Kuwatli (see details below).

In addition to the names mentioned above, we would like to thank the following people for their special contributions:  Mazen Al Hashime, George Ibrahim, Jehad Haddad, Miwako Aratake, Salma Shakhashiro, Bassam Al-Kuwatli, Hussain Moustafa.

The board of Syrian Canadian society Jaber Campaign



Syria to Ban Smoking in Public

According to the dpa news agency the Syrian government announced recently that it will adopt an anti-smoking law “to protect people from the negative consequences of smoking on health, economy and environment”.

The law prevents smoking in public places and prohibits advertising of all tobacco products, reported the Syrian official news agency SANA.

Here is the Arabic press release:
بحث مجلس الوزراء في جلسته التي عقدها اليوم برئاسة المهندس محمد ناجي عطري رئيس المجلس عددا من القضايا والموضوعات التنموية والخدمية والية تتبع تنفيذها بما يوازن بين المواصفات الفنية وتحقيق الجدوى الاقتصادية.
وطلب المهندس عطري خلال الاجتماع من الوزارات والجهات العامة اتخاذ كافة الاجراءات الكفيلة بترشيد عمليات الانفاق الجاري في موازناتها لعام 2009 مشددا على ضرورة تدقيق التكاليف المالية للمشاريع المعتمدة قبل الاعلان عن تنفيذها والتعاقد عليها بهدف الحد من الانفاق الزائد وغير الضروري الذي تتحمله بعض هذه المشاريع ولا يؤثر على اداء وعمل هذه المشاريع ووظائفها الاساسية.
بعد ذلك بحث مجلس الوزراء مشروعات القوانين والمراسيم المدرجة على جدول اعماله واقر منها:. مشروع قانون مكافحة التدخين وذلك بهدف حماية المواطنين من العواقب والاضرار الصحية والاقتصادية والبيئية الناجمة عن آفة التدخين .
وقد راعى مشروع القانون شمول جميع منتجات التبغ باحكام هذا القانون وتحديد مسؤولية كل جهة من الجهات المعنية بمكافحة التدخين ومنعه في الاماكن العامة ومنع الاعلان عنه وعن منتجاته وعن الادوات المتعلقة باستعماله.

The press release states that smoking is prohibited in “public places” (al-amaakin al-’aamah), which doesn’t make it clear if, for example, restaurants and cafes are included, although in general they would fall under that category.

Read more here


Donated Pocket Money for Gaza

Within just a few days, two siblings in a children's village in Syria collected an impressive sum for the 'Gaza donation campaign'. It was the first time a drive like this was initiated and led by children.

Aziz, 11, and Ayat, 13, ran the door-to-door campaign on there own.The two girls are biological siblings and have been living at SOS Children's Village Qodsaya in Syria since 2003.

"When I noticed a 'support Gaza' appeal on TV, I really wanted to donate", says Aziz. "But I didn't have any money, so I told my sister about it and she agreed to start a campaign to collect donations from others in the village."

Ayat, 13, was the first to donate. She gave away all the pocket money she had been saving to buy an MP4 without a second thought.

In the end, the children collected 87,000 Syrian pounds (CAD 2,300).

Read more here


SFU Arabic Heritage Night

The Arab Students Association from Simon Fraser University is hosting and an Arab Heritage Night - ليلة التراث العربي. The event brings different cultures and arts from various Arabic regions on one stage. Activities include a historical presentation, shows from different Arabic groups in Vancouver, meals from diverse Arabic cultures, and other surprises.

Tickets: 15$ - 10$ for kids (10-15 years old)
Date: Saturday, March 14, 2009
Time: 6:30pm - 11:00pm
Location: The Japanese Language Hall (487 Alexander St., Vancouver)

For tickets please contact:
Yazan Shehadeh (604 760 9199)
Ali Aljamali (778 322 4478)



In this section of the newsletter we will publish a letter submitted by one of the subscibers. This can include comments about a SCS-BC event, recipes, travel experiences, and more.

The letter may be typed in English or Arabic. Please keep the letter under 300 words and please note that only letters that are in accordance with the society's mission will be considered for publication.

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Inside this Issue

Picture of the Month
Jaber’s Fundraising Event
Did you know?
Upcoming Events















































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