Leading Provider of High-End

Software Development, embedded systems and QA Outsourcing Services

Tech Oursource develops software for clients worldwide. We are consulting firm, we help in all aspects of your software project, including: specification analysis, design, real implementation, quality assurance, support and related services.

To learn more about outsourcing benefits click here ß links to outsourcing benefits page

Some of the areas we can help you in:

Embedded system Device Drivers Software Development Quality Assurance Web Design


latest news

July 12, 2010

Tech Oursource develops software for clients worldwide. We are consulting firm, we help in all aspects of your software project, including: specification analysis, design, real implementation, quality assurance, support and related services.

May 12, 2010

Tech Contract Out is proud to annouce reaching a memorandum of understanding with Major Korean TV manufacturer to produce LCD and LED TV Test Screen Stations. The Test stations will be developed by Tech Contract Out where all Hardware and software will be developed by TCO for these stations.

April 12, 2009

Tech Contract Out has reached an agreement with Green Collar Skilled Workers to develop leading edge messaging integration system, where all new job postings will be announced through leading edge SMS gateway to matching applicants, applicants will be able to apply for these jobs using their simple SMS replies.